HSSE Activities & Programs

Project topics




The Blue Sky Project aims to strengthen the leadership and safety culture at the project site.  In order to achieve this objective, several programs were implemented with the support of JGC senior management.  In line with this, JGC has partnered with JMJ Associates, the company which created Incident and Injury-Free(IIF) concept to lead in the implementation of safety culture campaigns and programs.      A leadership commitment meeting was held to establish a common and clear understanding of the objectives of the IIF


One of the programs implemented at site is the Management Listening Tour which is conducted bi-weekly.  It involves direct communication between management and the workforce to get the latter’s feedback on matters concerning safety and suggestions on how to improve both quality and work progress. 


Volunteers from the workforce gathered to form the IIF Champions, which had 265 volunteers when it was initially formed.  This team is tasked to coach IIF practices following the Compliance, Intervention and Respect motto of the project. 


Another program which aims to empower women at the project is “Woman Speech” competition, wherein women give speech during weekly general Toolbox Talk, sharing their thoughts on Zero Tolerance to non-compliances to Permit to Work (PTW), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Driving Safety procedures or policies. 


To establish dual communication and strengthen working relationship, the management team of the client, JGC and the subcontractors meet and greet the workers at the entrance gate by way of a hand shake. Calling the workers by their first names make them feel welcome and this makes them feel that everyone cares at work.