HSSE Activities & Programs

Project topics
Mogas Cogen Project's Safety Culture Campaigns









The strong leadership of JGC Corporation and the client Singapore Refining Company at the Mogas Cogeneration Project in Singapore is reflected in the strong support and active participation in promoting the Incident & Injury-Free®  (IIF®) program at the project.  As part of this campaign, both parties hold the Grand IIF® meeting in the presence of the top management including SRC Chief Operating Officer, SRC Deputy CEO and JGC Senior Director, and the subcontractor Project Managers. 


The program was led by JGC Electrical Engineering Head followed by presentations made by two subcontractors at the project - Hiapseng and Scanbilt, which shared their safety performance and implementation of the IIF® programs in their respective companies.  JGC Area Managers also shared their respective area's conformance and contribution to the achievement of the IIF® goals and objectives of the project. 


The purpose of the Grand IIF® Meeting were realized and met and those were to share and exchange ideas on how to improve the safety practices at the site, identify areas needing improvement and come up with suitable and sufficient corrective measures. 









The daily journey of the project in clocking LTI-free days is made more meaningful and memorable to everyone.  Everyday, one person at site is chosen to make an  IIF® commitment.  A photo of each individual making the IIF® commitment is attached to the LTI-free calendar which are posted in the offices and rest shelters at the site.  To keep everyone informed and motivated, the same photo of the individual and his commitment is sent to every personnel via electronic mail. 



An IIF® initiative called the "Action Slip" is implemented at site.  It is a reward system to motivate all staff at site - be it "Action Initiator" or "Action Taker" to immediately take action on observations needing rectification.  All JGC staff at site carry the "Action Slip," a pocket-size booklet where observations are taken down.  This slip is issued to the "Action Taker" (subcontractor) who is encouraged to close the "Action Slip" within 48 hours.    Field action or observation can fall under Safety, Quality and Preservation.  At the end of the month, the "Action Taker"  and "Action Initiator" with the most number of actions closed are rewarded with grocery vouchers.  The activity is a reminder to everyone that observations are not a way of punishment but an opportunity to be rewarded for immediate actions taken. 







The Safe Worker Recognition Card is issued by JGC and the client, SRC  to any worker observed to be performing work activities in a safe manner.  This is done daily, with no limit on the number safe workers granted this card.  In return, the workers can redeem a gift by presenting half portion of the card to JGC, while the other half is dropped in a raffle box.  Entries are drawn monthly for a chance to win more exciting prizes. 







The IIF® Times is issued monthly as form of information dissemination on IIF® activities, updates on upcoming events and motivating participation in IIF® programs and activities.  The IIF® Times is printed in poster size and displayed in all offices and rest shelters. 







IIF®  is relationship building, inside and outside the project site.  To establish camaraderie, JGC and the cient, SRC, make sure there is time for work and there is also time for play.  In a soccer match, the two organizations, showed relationship building can also be fun outside the site.