HSSE Activities & Programs

Risk Management

Risk Management




Security Management Section



JGC employees and executives make approximately 5,000 overseas business trips per year, and approximately 350 JGC personnel are stationed overseas at any one time, in 24 different countries.  Therefore, JGC has established a Security Management Section available on a 24-7 basis to cope immediately with any risks employees stationed overseas might face, including natural disasters, terrorism, war, pandemics, crimes, riots, traffic accidents, and sickness.



The Security Management Section has two operating patterns: Crisis Management Operations and Preventive Operations, details of which are presented below.




(1) Crisis Management Operations

The Security Management Section takes the lead in implementing a range of measure based on the risk level in a given area, according to the Basic Rules for Risk Management. * Examples: business trip cancellation, temporary evacuation, etc.




(2) Preventive Operations

-1- Collect, analyze and communicate risk information: issue situation-specific reminders and warnings

-2- Update standard documentation such as crisis response manuals and safety standards

-3- Monitor implementation status and provide guidance to improve measures for each jurisdiction

-4- Assess the safety level for individual projects and provide guidance to improve safety

-5- Provide education and training on crisis management

-6- Ensure a point of contact with related organizations (government agencies, outside consultants, etc.)




In the wake of the terrorist attack at our plant construction site in Algeria in January 2013, JGC elevated the Security Management Office to the highest level within its organization on April 1 with the aim of reinforcing and augmenting its security structure. We have redoubled efforts to strengthen the functions of the Security Management Office, with cooperation from related governments and government agencies to bolster our information gathering and analysis capabilities during times of peace, augment our crisis prevention measures, and enhance our response capabilities in emergency situations.